Insurance: We do not accept insurance. We can provide you with a bill to submit to your insurance carrier.
Payments: All payments must be paid prior to or at the time of service. If paying for services presents a hardship for you, we can work with you to set up a payment plan.
Non-covered services: Please be aware that some – and perhaps all – of the services you receive may be non-covered or not considered “reasonable and necessary” by Medicare or other insurers. You may not be reimbursed.
Laboratory Fees: We aren’t directly affiliated with any labs, although we will provide the needed order forms and test kits for the tests you need, and direct you to lab services we’ve found to be reliable. The labs will bill you or your insurance directly for their services.
No Show/Late Cancellations/Late for Appointment Policy:
We require 48 hours notice if you need to cancel or change an appointment.
No-shows will be charged the full amount of the appointment. If you no-show more than one appointment, this will result in termination of our provider-patient relationship.
Late-cancellations will also be charged the full amount of the appointment.
But, because we understand that emergencies happen, every patient will get one “free pass.” That means you can late-cancel one appointment without the required 48-hour cancellation notice and not be charged. Note: the “free pass” does not apply for no-shows.
Our time together is the most important element of our health care partnership. If you arrive 15 minutes late or more to your appointment you will likely be asked to reschedule. If we get behind schedule, we will make sure that you get the full time allotted for your appointment.
Medication Refills and Controlled Substances:
Response to a request for medication refills may take 48-72 hours. Please plan ahead; you should contact our office at least three (3) days before your medication is due to run out. Medication refills should be requested by calling our office at 425-905-3050 or in person during your appointment.
Controlled substances (such as ADHD medications or medications for anxiety) are strictly managed. A urine drug screen may be required before a refill is given.
In case of a health emergency or if you have a reaction to a medication please call 911 or go to your local emergency department or urgent care center.
Once again, please feel free to contact our office to discuss any of these policies.